My friend said that both of his parents have a good relationship, never dispute each other.Perhaps, this is the definition of a good relationship.Do you actually know what is healthy relationship? this is not just good relationship. This is long term relationship that will carrying in enjoy the life. Signs of healthy relationship like this:
1. Be spontaneous, we must give each other a warm heart, fulfill each other and free to express the love.
2. Enjoy the time together or While far apart,some couples spend a lot of time because they really enjoy.Dependence is not a healthy indication of the relationship, particularly emotional dependence.
3. Goodness, share the joy and goodness is the essence of a healthy relationship
4. Overcoming Conflict Method ,the great way is talk to each other to avoid the fight.
5. Trust each other, we must believe that we are building solid relationships that will be run for ever, and will not hurt emotionally.
6. Release Anger, a healthy relationship in both parties will soon forget the anger, and back again in the goodness and love.
7. Listening, Understanding, Learning And Receive, we can share the peace and happiness.
8. Becoming Self-Up Free, A healthy relationship involves self personality and the ability to love each other.
9. Sexuality, warm sexual relationship and caring based will bring the relationship to be healthy.
10. Take a laugh and happy, in the difficult period we can bright day by day with laugh and sense of humor. Trust me.
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