Friday, January 16, 2009

The tip looked for the partner

The lord indeed created humankind put on-couple. The man and the woman. For the couple who it was considered has been enough the age, loved each other and had the strong commitment and same, was suggested to immediately marry. Many believing circles, that is married was one of the solutions reached happiness in lived. If someone has been established, successful and very sufficient, continued to be felt not all that if being not yet married, did not yet have the child, et cetera et cetera.
Could not be ignored, the feeling not all that that kind was more often felt by women. Several researches proved that, women were the group that most concern the matter of the partner. That was caused by the characteristics the woman who must give birth and suckle the child, so as to emerge the premiss, “if I do not marry now, I still quite healthy and could give birth to the descendants?
Was different from MAN that tended not restless the matter of the partner. Apart from the factor hormonal that was had by the man was unlimited (could have the descendants although usaia at dusk), the men was also brought face to face in fact kodrati, that in being married in the future that will become the backbone of the family. So, they more give precedence to looked for material as strongly as possible forsupported him in being married in the future.
Then how his method looked for the partner? Actually did not have special methods of looking for the partner, because the partner could be found in the place and in time that was not expected. So as the method or tips looked for the partner more was motivated.

1. Be concentrate not to whatever that must be chosen but by carrying out the change himself to the side of that was better.
2. Don't had hoped for someone to be like that was hoped for by us but placed himself as well as possible against the other person.
3. Don't make the past trauma the space that did not give the solution, but made the trauma the teaching material that gave benefit
4. Look for the friend and the friend totally much
5. Don't considered more or considered not all that to someone moreover the prospective partner who was approached, thought appropriately
6. Continued to pray because of the prayer and did not have been prejudiced bad against the GOD.

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